Six Batteries of Change

Six Batteries of Change

Managing change has become an increasingly critical capability for today’s turbulent and disruptive environment. Nevertheless, research indicates that failure rates of change initiatives remain high.


In Six Batteries of Change, the authors propose a new model and a measurement tool that help managers to deal with this challenging topic in a more effective way. The model and the tool track to what extent your organisation possesses the energy to successfully complete your change programs. The book identifies six batteries of change that organisations and managers need to charge for change to become effective, and offers insights in how to charge each of the six batteries. The role of a change manager is to ensure that all six batteries are charged, in order to generate the amount of energy necessary in successfully completing change. If the batteries of change remain empty, the success rate of the change will be limited.


This book shows managers how to develop transformation competencies by creating a more energised organisation capable of dealing with faster and more complex change. The book presents new frameworks and uses numerous cases to illustrate what this approach is all about in practice.

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