Playing to Win – How Strategy Really Works

Playing to Win – How Strategy Really Works

Playing to Win, a noted Wall Street Journal and Washington Post bestseller, outlines the strategic approach Lafley, in close partnership with strategic adviser Roger Martin, used to double P&G’s sales, quadruple its profits, and increase its market value by more than $100 billion when Lafley was first CEO (he led the company from 2000 to 2009). The audiobook shows leaders in any type of organization how to guide everyday actions with larger strategic goals built around the clear, essential elements that determine business success―where to play and how to win.


Lafley and Martin have created a set of five essential strategic choices that, when addressed in an integrated way, will move you ahead of your competitors.
The stories of how P&G repeatedly won by applying this method to iconic brands such as Olay, Bounty, Gillette, Swiffer, and Febreze clearly illustrate how deciding on a strategic approach―and then making the right choices to support it―makes the difference between just playing the game and actually winning.


Playing to Win outlines a proven method that has worked for some of today’s most celebrated brands and products. Let this audiobook serve as your new guide to winning, as well.

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